from Brian Kingslake, "For heaven's sake. Forty-six variants on the theme: how to react to the conditions of life on earth in such as way as to prepare oneself for life in the kingdom of heaven (Christopher: North Quincy, MA, 1974)
Preface 1. "For Heaven's Sake!" 2. Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory 3. The Gospel of New Beginnings 4. Being Special 5. Your Image of Yourself 6. Who's Going to Hell? 7. It's All Too Simple! 8. Shock Tactics 9. Jesus Christ - Redeemer or Psychiatrist? 10. The Law and Grace 11. Freedom 12. Divine Guidance 13. Practicing the Presence of God 14. Ego Food 15. Worry and Anxiety 16. Jesus in the Boat 17. The Invisible Providence 18. Our Daily Manna 19. Reinhold Niebuhr's Prayer 20. Creative Suffering 21. Meditation and Prayer 22. Miracles and Magic 23. The Cripple at the Pool 24. He Needed a Donkey 25. Treasure Hid in a Field 26. Whose Yardstick? 27. Changing Altitude 28. Savoring the Things of God 29. God-Forsaken 30. Dead and Alive 31. The Verdict Is - GUILTY! 32. Looking Down One's Own Throat 33. Sin, Forgiveness and Salvation 34. Danger - Beware of Covetousness 35. The Sun Standing Still 36. David's Sling-Shot 37. Digging Ditches 38. Resist Not Evil 39. Forgive Yourself 40. At the Receiving End 41. Am I My Brother's Keeper? 42. Salt 43. Peculiar People 44. The Best Left Till Last 45. On Growing Old 46. The Tree of Life
To preface