The Second Coming of the Lord, by Chauncey Giles

from Chauncey Giles, The Second Coming of the Lord (Philadelphia: Lippincott 1903)



The Second Coming of the Lord

by Rev. Chauncey Giles

Table of Contents



1. The importance of the subject, and the means essential to its solution

2. The general testimony of the Sacred Scriptures concerning the Coming of the Lord

3. The special testimony of the Sacred Scriptures regarding "The Second Coming"

4. The end of the world not the destruction of the material earth, but the end of an age of human thought and life

5. The end of the world: Its causes and signs

6. The manner of the Lord’s Second Coming

7. The power of the Second Coming: Its origin and operation

8. Human instrumentality necessary to the Second Coming

9. The Spiritual World : Our final home; the theatre of our judgment

10. Our resurrection

11. The Last Judgment: Where it was held and how it was effected

12. The New Age: Its cause; the sign of its coming, and the qualities which characterize it

To Preface