Arcana Coelestia The heavenly arcana contained in the Holy Scripture or
Word of the Lord unfolded, beginning with the book of Genesis
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Volume I The Book of Genesis (1-5) Chapter 1 (6-66) Chapter 2 (67-167) Concerning the resuscitation of man from the dead, and his entrance into eternal life (n. 168-181). Continuation concerning the entrance of man into eternal life (n. 182-189). Continuation concerning the entrance of man into eternal life (n. 314-319). What the life of the soul or spirit then is (n. 320-323). Some examples from spirits of what they had thought the life of the body about the soul or spirit (n. 443-448). Concerning heaven and heavenly joy (n. 449-459). Concerning heaven and heavenly joy (n. 537-546; and 547-553). Concerning the societies which constitute heaven (n. 684-691). Concerning hell (n. 692-700). Concerning the hells of those who have passed their life in hatred, revenge, and cruelty (n. 814-823). Concerning the hells of those who have passed their life in adulteries and lasciviousness; and also concerning the hells of the deceitful, and of sorceresses (n. 824-831). Concerning the hells of the avaricious; and concerning the filthy Jerusalem, and the robbers in the desert; and also concerning the excrementitious hells of those who have lived in mere pleasures (n. 938-946). Concerning other hells that are distinct from the former (n. 947-970). Concerning vastations (n. 1106-1113). Volume II Concerning the Most Ancient Church, which was called man or Adam (n. 1114-1129). Concerning the antediluvians who perished (n. 1265-1272). Concerning the situation of the Grand Man, and also concerning place and distance in the other life (n. 1273-1278). Continuation concerning situation and place, and also concerning distance and time, in the other life (n. 1376-1382). Concerning the perception of spirits and angels; and concerning spheres in the other life (n. 1383-1400). Continuation concerning perceptions; and concerning spheres in the other life (n. 1504-1520). Concerning the light in which the angels live (n. 1521-1534). Continuation concerning the light in which the angels live; also concerning their paradisal scenes and their swellings (n. 1619-1633). 'Concerning the Speech of spirits and angels (n. 1634-1650). Continuation concerning the speech of spirits, and its diversities (n. 1757-1764) Concerning the Holy Scripture or Word; in which are stored up Divine things, which are open before good spirits and angels (n. 1767-1777). Continuation concerning the Holy Scripture or Word (n. 1869-1879). Certain things concerning spirits and angels in general (n. 1880-1885). The preface-the original Part II. (before n. 1886). Continuation concerning the Word (n. 1886-1889). Concerning visions and dreams, including the prophetic ones contained in the Word (n. 1966-1983). Continuation concerning the Word (n. 1984). Concerning the Last Judgment (n. 2117-2134). Volume III The preface-the eighteenth chapter (before n. 2135). Continuation concerning the Word (n. 2135). Concerning infants in heaven (n. 2289-2309). Continuation concerning the Word (n. 2310-2311). Concerning memory after death (n. 2469-2494). Continuation concerning the Word (n. 2495). Concerning the gentiles in the other life (n. 2589-2605). Continuation concerning the Word (n. 2606-2609). Concerning marriages and adulteries (n. 2727-2759). The preface-the original Part III. (before n. 2760). Continuation concerning the Word (n. 2760-2763). Concerning man's freedom (n. 2870-2893). Volume IV The Preface-the twenty-third chapter, being a continuation concerning the Word (n. 2894) Concerning representations and correspondences (n. 2897-3003). Continuation concerning the Word (n. 3004-3011) Continuation concerning representations and correspondences (n. 3213-3227). Preface-chapter the twenty-fifth (n. 3228, 3229). Continuation concerning correspondences and representations (n. 3337-3552). Explication of Matthew 24, verses 3-8 (n. 3353-3356) Continuation concerning correspondences and representations, especially those in the Word (n. 3472-3485). Explication of Matthew 24, verses 8-14 (n. 3486-3489). Concerning the correspondence of all man’s organs and members, both interior and exterior, with the Grand Man, which is heaven (n. 3624-3649)
Volume V The preface-the twenty-eighth chapter, being an explication of Matthew 24 verses 15-18 (n. 3650-3655). Continuation concerning the Grand Man and correspondence therewith (n. 3741-3750). Explication of Matthew 24, verses 19-22 (n. 3751-3757). Continuation concerning the Grand Man, and concerning correspondence, here being the correspondence with the heart and lungs (n. 3883-3896). Explication of Matthew 24, verses 23-28 (n. 3897-3901). Continuation concerning the Grand Man, and concerning correspondence, here concerning the correspondence with the cerebrum and cerebellum (n. 4309-4055). Explication of Matthew 24, verses 29-31 (n. 4056-4060). Continuation concerning the Grand Man, and concerning correspondence (n. 4218-4228).
Volume VI Explication of Matthew 24, verses 32-35 (n. 4229-4231). Continuation concerning the Grand Man and correspondences therewith: the senses in general (n. 4318-4331). Explication of Matthew 24, verses 36-42 (n. 4332-4335). Continuation concerning the Grand Man and correspondence: the eye, and light (n. 4403-4421). Explication of Matthew 24. verses 42-51 (n. 4422-4424). Continuation concerning the Grand Man and correspondence of the eye and of light with the Grand Man (n. 4403-4421). The consummation of the Age (n. 4535). Continuation concerning correspondence with the Grand Man; Odor, and the nostrils (n. 4622-4634). Explication of Matthew 25. verses 1-13 (n. 4635-4638). Explication of Matthew 25. verses 31-46 (n. 4635-4664). Explication of Matthew25, verses 31-33 (n. 4807-4810). Continuation concerning correspondence with the Grand Man : the hands, arms, feet, and Loins (n. 4931-4953). Volume VII Explication of Matthew 25, verses 34-36 (n. 4954-4959). Continuation concerning the correspondence with the Grand Man: the loins and the members of generation (n. 5050-5062). Explication of Matthew 25, verses 37-46 (n. 5063-5071). Continuation concerning the correspondence with the Grand Man: the interior viscera (n. 5171-5190). Continuation concerning the correspondence with the Grand Man (n. 5377-5396) Continuation concerning the correspondence with the Grand Man: the skin, hair, and bones (n. 5552-5573). Continuation concerning correspondence : the correspondence of diseases with the Spiritual World (n. 5711-5727). Volume VIII Of the angels and. spirits with man (n. 5846-5866). Continuation concerning the angels and spirits with man (n. 5976-5993). On influx, and on the intercourse of the soul with the body (n. 6053-6058). Continuation about influx and the intercourse of the soul and the body (n. 6189-6215). Continuation about influx and the intercourse of the soul and the body (n. 6307-6327). Continuation about influx and the intercourse of the soul and the body (n. 6466-6496). Continuation about influx and the intercourse of the soul and the body (n. 6598-6626) Volume IX Prefatory remarks-the Doctrine of Charity and of Faith (n. 6627-6633). On the inhabitants of other earths (n. 6695-6702). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 6703-6712). On the spirits of the planet Mercury (n. 6807-6817.) The Doctrine of Charity (n. 6818-6824). Continuation concerning the spirits of the planet Mercury (n. 6921-6932). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 6933-6938). Continuation concerning the spirits of the planet Mercury (n. 7069-7079). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 7080-7086). Continuation about the spirits and Inhabitants of the earth Mercury (n. 7170-7177). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 7178-7182). On the Inhabitants and spirits of the planet Venus (n. 7246-7254). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 7255-7263). On the Inhabitants and spirits of the planet Mars (n. 7358-7365). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 7366-7377). Continuation about the spirits and inhabitants of the Planet Mars (n. 7475-7487). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 7488-7494). Continuation about the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Mars (n. 7620-7622). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 7623-7627). Continuation about the inhabitants and spirits of the earth Mars (n. 7742-7751). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 7752-7762). On the spirits and inhabitants of the planet Jupiter (n. 7799-7813). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 7814-7821). On the spirits and inhabitants of the planet Jupiter, continued (n. 8021-8032). Volume X The Doctrine of Charity: What charity is, and what faith is (n. 8033-8037). On the spirits and inhabitants of the planet Jupiter, continued (n. 8111-8119). The Doctrine of Charity (n. 8120-8124). Continuation about the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Jupiter (n. 8242-8251). The Doctrine of Charity: The life of piety and the life of charity (n. 8252-8257). Continuation about the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Jupiter (n. 8371-8386). The Doctrine of Charity: Confession and repentance (n. 8387-8394). Continuation about the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Jupiter (n. 8541-8547). The Doctrine of Charity: Regeneration (n. 8548-8553). Continuation about the inhabitants and spirits of the earth Jupiter (n. 8627-8634). The Doctrine of Charity: Regeneration (n. 8635-8640). Continuation about the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Jupiter (n. 8733-8741). The Doctrine of Charity: Regeneration (n. 8742-8747). Continuation about the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Jupiter (n. 8846-8852). The Doctrine of Charity: The ruling love (n. 8853-8858). Volume XI The Doctrine of Charity: What. conscience is (n. 9112-9122). On the spirits of the Moon (n. 9232-9238). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: What faith is (n. 9239-9245). The reasons why the Lord willed-be born on our earth, and not on another (n. 9350-9362). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: Persuasive faith (n. 9363-9369). On the earths in the Starry Heaven; and their inhabitants, spirits, and angels (n. 9438-9442). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The forgiveness of sins (n. 9443-9454). On the earths in the Starry Heaven; here, on the first earth seen there (n. 9578-9584). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: Freedom (n. 9585-9591). Continuation concerning the first earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 9693-9700). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The internal and the external man (n. 9701-9709). Continuation about the first earth seen in. the Starry Heaven (n. 9790-9795). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The understanding of truth and the will of good (n. 9796-9803). Concerning the second earth seen in the Starry Heaven (n. 9967-9973). Volume XII The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: Merit and reward (n. 9974-9984). Continuation concerning the second earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10159-10166). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: Love truly conjugial (n. 10167-10175). Concerning the third earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10311-10317). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The Word (n. 10318-m 10325). Continuation concerning the third earth in the starry heaven (n. 10377-10385). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: Baptism (n. 10386-10392). Continuation concerning the third earth in the starry heaven (n. 10513-10518). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The Holy Supper (n. 10519-10522). Concerning the fourth earth in the starry heaven (n. 10585-10590). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The resurrection (n. 10591-10597). Continuation concerning the fourth earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10708-10713). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: Heaven and heavenly joy (n. 10714-10724). Concerning the fifth earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10734-10739). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: Hell and its fire (n. 10740-10749). Continuation concerning the fifth earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10751-10759). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The Church (n. 10760-10766). Continuation concerning the Fifth Earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10768-10772). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The Divine Providence (n. 10773-10781) Concerning the Sixth Earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10783-10788). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: Government (n. 10789-10806). Continuation concerning the Sixth Earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10808-10814). The Doctrine of Charity and Faith: The Lord (n. 10815-10831). Continuation concerning the Sixth Earth in the Starry Heaven (n. 10833-10837). |