The Swedenborg Concordance.
Based on The
Original Latin Writings of The Author NEW: Full Text in Multiple Formants Volume 1: A to C Volume 2: D to F Volume 3: G to J Volume 4: K to N Volume 5: O to Sq Volume 6: St to Z Key to the Abbreviations Used in The Concordance Note: Rev. Potts, the translator and compiler of the Concordance, was a firm believer in only the published works being authoritative Divine revelation. (For details on this issue, see Which of Swedenborg's books are Divine revelation?) He makes the distinction under each heading in the Concordance; The published works treatment of a given term are listed and then, below a small horizontal line divider, the unpublished works. (see J.F Potts "Are there imperfections in Swedenborg's Scripture Interpretations?" New Church Review April 1911, p. 243-258) Incomplete online sources of the Concordance:
Volume 1 - A to C |